Tuesday, October 20, 2015


October 20, 2015

We were up at the crack of dawn this morning and made it downstairs to meet two of the other families in our group at 6:45 a.m.  We traveled by van to the US Consulate (our LAST official appointment!) where we waited until 7:30 for them to let us in.  We took the oath of fact with a large group of families, met with one employee who went through our paperwork and made sure it was all accurate, and another who verified our personal information and took fingerprints.  Helen will bring us our sealed packet from the consulate tomorrow.  This packet will remain sealed until opened by immigration in Seattle.

Initially our appointment was supposed to be later but there was a special exhibit open to the public on the first floor and they wanted all of the adopting families done and out of the consulate before the exhibit opened.  The exhibit?  The Magna Carta!  There are four signed copies being exhibited in different places around the world.  One copy happened to be in the US Consulate yesterday and today.  As we were walking out of the building our escort asked us if we would like to see it.  Um, YES!  So, she took us through the exhibit.  Amazing!  And a VERY good reason cursive should still be taught in schools.

The rest of our day was low key.  We hung out at the pool, took a walk, and sent Mimi off on an evening river cruise down the Pearl River (she has more than earned it!). 

Here are some random pictures for your enjoyment!

When we arrived at the China Marriot there was a pack and play waiting in our room for Isaiah's use.  It has taken up residence in the upright position against the wall and become a playhouse for the boys.

Isiah is another fan of cars on the windowsill!

There is a window between the tub in the bathroom and the bedroom
(yes, it is random and yes, there is a curtain you can close).
This is about as close as Isaiah would voluntarily go to the tub full of water.
It was an unhappy experience for him to actually take a bath.

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