Today was all about re-packing and traveling to Guangzhou. Our plane ride was short but . . . interesting. Isaiah was having a hard day: tummy troubles and wanting to be held every second. We think he was held all the time by his foster parents in a specific way. If we are holding him while standing up he is fine (most of the time) but if he is being held sitting down it is the end of the world. And he has this "Are you kidding me? You are not going to do what I want?" wail that we are becoming very familiar with. Smart little guy had his foster grandparents wrapped around his little finger. :) Needless to say the wait in the airport and the plane ride weren't great but we survived. The picture on the right pretty much sums up his mood! :)
It is great to be back in Guangzhou! The surroundings are familiar and we have the same guide we had when we were here to adopt Zeke in 2013. We got off the bus at the hotel and she recognized Randy right away! This is amazing considering how many families she works with each year.
Since there isn't much to recap from today I thought I would share some of the things we have learned about Isaiah:
He has some language but it is a dialect of Mandarin that the translator app doesn't recognize. We have figured some of his words out by using context clues but others are a mystery (which frustrates him to no end).
English words he will mimic (so far): Uh-oh, all done, go. He will not try signs at this point.
He understands much of what we say, especially if we use gestures. For example, he will get his shoes when asked, go and find his water bottle, bring me a diaper when asked, etc.
His shoes are SUPER important to him. He rarely takes them off voluntarily and if he has to take them off (nap/bedtime) he will go and get them immediately after he is done and bring them to us so they can be put back on.
He HATES to be in water. I had to bathe him in the shower this morning (no tub in this hotel room - Guiyang) and he was NOT a happy camper. We were warned about this by his foster mom but seeing it in reality alternated between hysterically funny (for me - I know, that's not nice but it was quite an experience) and traumatic (for him).
He likes to be on the go. He isn't sure about our hotel room (Guiyang) and has not been willing to explore and play on his own (or with Zeke except for a few times) but he loves to go for walks outside as long as you do NOT put him in the stroller. Carrying him in the Ergo carrier is the best way to go (and is saving my back)!
He loves to be held prefers to be held when you are standing up. Sit down and things can get dicey!
He has the most practiced and one of the best "boo-boo" faces we have seen in a LONG time.
He is willing to try different foods (some are obviously familiar). Current favorites: chicken sausage, watermelon, peanuts, rice, fruit pouches, pork buns.
A few pictures just for fun!
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