Today we went back to the Civil Affairs Adoption Office to finalize Isaiah's adoption and make our final adoption payments. Since were headed back to the same place that Gotcha Day took place we were anticipating some intense emotions from Isaiah. (Zeke and Mimi stayed at the hotel for this trip and explored some of the areas around our hotel.) We were correct in our assumption.
When we walked into the lobby of the building Isaiah clung a little tighter and started looking back and forth between Randy and I. Almost like, "REALLY?!" This continued as we got closer to the office. He was able to hold it together for about 15 minutes and then it was just too much. We had warned the other AWAA family with us that he might become inconsolable but they were still surprised when the wailing began. Their little girl, also from a foster family, did not have any of the same reactions when leaving her foster mom or returning to the office. It goes to show that Isaiah was in a loving place!
At one point when holding Isaiah he started pointing. I went where he pointed and the brilliant little thinker led me down the hall and back to the elevators! When we went back into the office he went to Randy and held his arms up and then pointed to the backpack and then to the door. He seemed to be saying "Get the bag and let's go Daddy!" It was an emotional hour and a half.

If you are wondering, he is still in his clothes from yesterday because they are his last tie to his foster home and family. They are familiar to him in feel and smell and we don't want to strip him of everything he knows at once. He has confirmed our decision to wait by letting us know (through grunts and words we don't understand) that he doesn't want different clothes.
The afternoon was a mixture of small smiles and LOTS of crying/whining. Isaiah has language but unfortunately we don't understand the words he is using. He speaks a different dialect than standard Mandarin so the translator app is of no use. He does seem to be picking up the meaning behind the words we say rather quickly though. We can asking him to do something using words and gestures and he can usually figure out what we are saying or asking him to do. We have also figured out that he could pretty much do whatever he wanted with his foster family. It is apparent by his actions that he had few boundaries, is by nature a "tester," and will push his new boundaries as far as we will let him. He and his big brother are more alike in this way than we thought they might be! :)
We ended our day with a joyous celebration due to the arrival of our luggage! We were told they would arrive on a flight early this evening but didn't believe it until we saw it. There is no way these bags should have so many flight tickets on them. Randy and Deb went with our Jerry to the airport to pick them up and even our guide (usually soft-spoken) was getting irritated with all of the questions and hoops. We didn't know he had a "firm" voice but now we know he does! We are happy to have clean clothes to wear tomorrow! It's the small things . . . .
Thank you for your continued prayers!

Thank you for your continued prayers!
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