Before I left work today I explained to my students (again) that I was going to China with my family to get our son Isaiah and that I wouldn't be back to teach them until January (but I would visit before then) and we all said goodbye. Once they were at recess (I have been working half time this week) my job share partner and I went over a few more things, I walked out of my classroom, said goodbye to several co-workers, and walked out the front doors of Mountain Way. THAT is when I started shaking, my stomach started doing somersaults and I couldn't stop smiling. WE ARE GOING TO CHINA TO GET ISAIAH!

String #1: Stripes has to come back home with Zeke (to make sure they BOTH make it back).
String #2: Zeke has to take pictures of Stripes at all of the different places he gets to visit while he is in China so he can share them with Grandma when he gets home.
Similar to Flat Stanley, Stripes is going on the adventure of a lifetime and he will have the pictures to prove it! Thank you for sending Stripes to China with Zeke Grandma!

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